In reponse to Kim’s (Predominantly Orange) word association game, I sent to her 5 words for her to work with. Here are her responses:
1. John Elway – Denver icon
JBB: Great QB, but why is he letting he son go to Arizona State. He should be going to Stanford like his father. He’s never going to be anywhere near as good as his father, and hell, he’s probably not going to make it as a starter in the NFL; so I think a degree from Stanford might help him a little more than the kegerator, aka, ASU.
2. Alex Gibbs – Greatest offensive line coach ever
JBB: Can’t argue with you there.
3. Tim Brown – Once feared AFC rival
JBB: And the last great Raider.
4. Howie Long – “Buckethead”
JBB: Thank you, exactly the response I was looking for.
5. Travis Henry – Unknown
JBB: Unknown? Unknown what? Unknown future? Uhh, I think he’s gonna have a couple more kids, continue to smoke pot, and be a drain on society.