The Oakland Raiders look set to bring in a little experience to their young coaching sta..."/> The Oakland Raiders look set to bring in a little experience to their young coaching sta..."/>

Hackett to Join Staff


The Oakland Raiders look set to bring in a little experience to their young coaching staff.  Jerry McDonald has just reported that the Raiders are in the midst of hiring former Tampa Bay Buc coach, and quarterback guru Paul Hackett.  I’ve heard many good things about Hackett in the past, and many bad, but I’m still stoked that the Raiders have made a smart move to help the growth of the most important position on the field. 

"The Raiders often simply add people to their organization, with confirmation coming the day they’re either seen on the field or around the building or when their name is added to the Web site.Hackett is regarded within the league as an excellent technician and teacher of offense, and particularly quarterbacks.It was Hackett who hired Jon Gruden on his college staff at Pittsburgh. It was Hackett who recommended Rich Gannon to both Al Davis and Gruden. He sent Gruden a tape of Gannon converting a broken play against the Raiders in 1997 for a touchdown, and extolled Gannon’s skills as a leader.He worked for Gruden on the Bucs staff, on the same staff with Monte Kiffin.Hackett would give the Raiders an extra set of eyes as the Raiders work on developing Russell, assisting Kiffin, Greg Knapp and John DeFilippo.Hackett’s critics, however, believe his offense is far too conservative and horizontal. His teams will pile up a high completion percentage, but too often will throw in front of the stake and miss a chance at moving the chains or getting big plays."

The Raiders are set at the coaching positions, and Lane Kiffin already knows what he wants to do with the offense.  So Hackett’s critics won’t have to worry, cause if this does go through, his place will be at JaMarcus Russell’s side, and in his ear.  The other good thing is that if he works out well this year, then he could replace Knapp when he leaves (presumably) for Seattle to join Jim Mora’s regime.  Love the move.  Here’s a little more on Hackett.