Safety support
By zbest
It is a common trend in the NFL for talented, but aging NFL veterans to change teams within their division. Neil Smith went to Denver, Marcus Allen went to K.C., and now Greg Wesley heads to Oakland. Small joke; there’s no way I can compare the Smith and Allen transfers to Wesley’s arrival. But there is one thing that should occur in a similar fashion. Players often persuade themselves into getting revenge on the teams that let’em go, and if they can’t help their new team on the field, they know they can help them prepare during the week.
Wesley was disgruntled with his old team before the 2007 season started, and after nearly a year of continued employment it comes with little surprise that he’s been deciding between the Denver Broncos and the Oakland Raiders since being cut last week. There is no way Wesley was going to make it on the starting roster in either Denver or Oakland for that matter, and could’ve had a better shot at starting elsewhere, but decided otherwise. Revenge??? I sure hope so.