Oakland Raiders Film Room: Week 4 (MIA in London)

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Credit: NFL Game Rewind

On the Carr TD pass to TE Brian Leonhardt Oakland utilizes a heavy 12 personnel (1 RBs, 2 TE, 1 WR, 1 extra OL) with a flood passing concept (send 3 receivers to toward the same sideline to stress the safety over the top) to the left side. Miami is in a heavy goal line package (6 DLs, 3 LBs, 2 DBs). With TE Rivera lined up in the backfield S Louis Delmas is alerted to play action and ready to jump on top of the passing routes. Immediately after the play action Delmas reads Carr’s eyes and hustles to the flood side of the play. However, Carr expertly goes through his reads (Holmes, Rivera, Leonhardt) and exploits the mismatch between Leonhardt and LB Jason Trusnik. Carr throws an amazing pass away from the defender and with Delmas out of position the result is a TD for Oakland.

This drive was as impressive a drive as Oakland has had all season. The blocking was on point, even against the blitz, and the receivers were able to get open. With some clever use of misdirection and solid reads by Carr this offense has shown that it does have the capability to put points up on the board. However right after this the momentum stopped, the reads and blocking got sloppy, and Oakland looked like a team where everyone was on different pages.
