Oakland Raiders Losing Puts Them in Leonard Williams Sweepstakes

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Bottom Line

NFL G.M.s are thrilled as they can be after a tough year to the get the best player on the board and he happens to fit a need. And the Raiders can get such a player two years in row as the Raiders appear set to pick Williams after landing Mack. The crazy thing about it all is that the Raiders got their franchise quarterback in the same draft they got Mack.

We can clearly see that Derek Carr is the best quarterback in the 2014 draft and it isn’t even close and the Raiders got him in the second round. And like Carr, receiver Ty Montgomery of Stanford just may fall into the second because of the play of his quarterback. So if you’re a real Raiders fan, you continue to watch the games and watch the young players on the team develop and don’t worry about wins.

If anything, you should think, “Don’t start winning on me now.” because this is the last year of the madness if the Raiders get Williams.

Just win baby!

But not this year!