With a reported sale of the UFC, could the Fertitta brothers help bring an NFL team to Las Vegas by making a push for ownership of the Oakland Raiders?
The Oakland Raiders say they are serious about becoming the Las Vegas Raiders if they do not get a plan for a new stadium in Oakland soon. Added, the Silver and Black will also need Vegas to hold up their end of the financing for possible relocation.
The estimated price tag of the Las Vegas stadium project has already increased from $1.4 billion to as much as $2.1 billion, according to ESPN. Part of that increase is due to land acquisitions.
One of the sites listed as a potential home for the new stadium by the Southern Nevada Tourism Infrastructure Committee includes a site off Interstate 15 which is owned by the Fertitta Family.
This ownership in the land could give ex-UFC owners Lorenzo and Frank Fertitta added leverage into NFL ownership. If the brothers acquired some interest in the Raiders, then the franchise would save money on land acquisition for their potential new Las Vegas home.
Not to mention, the Las Vegas-based brothers each held a 40.5 percent stake in the UFC, which would make their combined stake net more than $1.6 billion in cash, according to CNBC.com.
This added cash from the Fertittas’ recent sale of the UFC could help the Raiders close the gap between the estimated $550 in Nevada public funding and the $500 million pledged by owner Mark Davis.
Remember, the Fertittas bought the UFC for just $2 million in 2000. More recently, Forbes estimated their net worth at $1.6 billion each. In April, their casino company Red Rock Resorts also raised more than $500 million in an initial public offering.
Imagine what these entrepreneurs could do with a stake in an NFL brand like the Raiders.
Hence, it is not surprising that media reports have connected the Fertittas to potential NFL ownership.
"“Since NFL team owners can’t own casino companies due to the inherent conflict of interest, Lorenzo could wind up as the team owner while Frank concentrates on the casino company.”"
These brothers partner on everything, so it would be hard to see them splitting up business-wise, even for the NFL, as CNBC suggests.
Still, the NFL could welcome these savvy sports marketers once they get their business in Casinos wrapped up. During their ownership of the UFC, the Fertittas helped the sports brand grow seven times in gross revenue.
The Fertittas helped the sport get legitimate with the “The Ultimate Fighter” show, a UFC TV deal with Fox, The Fight Pass streaming service, and lots of successful pay-per-view events. UFC became the fastest growing sports brand among Millenials.
Therefore, the Fertitta brothers could bring a new perspective into league ownership.
Further, Lorenzo Fertitta’s two sons play college football, so both brothers love the game.
Back in May, UFC President Dana White promised that one day the brothers would own a football team. However, White also admitted that the brothers would probably have to sell the Casinos they own, not the UFC, before that could happen.
“…Having an ownership or association in casinos, especially where you’re taking sports bets, has not been allowed,” Lorenzo Fertitta said about rumored NFL ownership last week. “That’s a major stumbling block for me at this point.”
Nonetheless, Fertitta did not rule out the possibility earlier this month.
“Well, I would never say never,” Fertitta said of his interest in NFL ownership during the same interview. “We’re certainly not involved at this point.”
This quote came before the official deal for the UFC, which could give the Fertittas added cash to get into Raiders ownership.
Of course, it would be difficult seeing the Davis family selling any stake of the Raiders to a public figure bigger than themselves.
However, the Fertitta brothers make sense if Davis really wants to make an impact in the Las Vegas market. Not only do they know the market as well as anyone, but their ties to UFC make them just enough of a renegade to belong with the Raiders.
Davis could also learn a lot from working with the Fertittas, if the brothers take a partial stake in the Silver and Black. Plus, Davis could focus on being a fan if he let the Fertittas operate the business side of the organization.
Then again, it remains to be seen if the NFL would even allow the Fertittas into ownership. It may be difficult for the league to allow a team with major sports gambling ties into their circle.
It should also be noted the Steve Wynn has expressed his interest in wanting to bring an NFL team to Vegas. Wynn also owns land listed as a potential place for a team. His ties to casinos also brings into question his ability to own a NFL franchise too, so he may remain as only a booster.
For the Raiders, this is the best case scenario. Why not have lots of Vegas billionaires fighting for pieces of the franchise?
Either way, the sale of the UFC at least makes it possible for the Fertittas to make a run at ownership of the Raiders. There ties to sports and the UFC also give them a leg up over competition like Wynn or any other casino hot shot.
The Fertittas may be long shots to become owners of the Raiders and Las Vegas may be a long shot to get a team. Regardless, the Fertittas’ added cash increases the odds of both situations happening.
Stay posted to see if the Fertittas make a serious run at owning a part of the Raiders.